Tips and feedback on this one would be MUCH appreciated. I'm trying to get my beats to sound more professional (shoutout to @kendrick. haha). But yeah, to all my compliments and criticisms, thank you, and remember Imperial is coming soon and #C9ISTHEFUTURE .

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  • Listening to this now, I can't believe this was my most popular beat until I made B L A C K M G N E T O. Also gotta go back and do this sample it's justice...

  • for a while idk if you have noticed but my trap changes so i will do some fade i beats for you ok I GOT U FAM!!!!! XD

  • omg im tearing up LOL but yah thanks man that is the way to go

  • OH YEAH YOUR RIGHT! I should've added a crash or couple. I can't believe I missed that, thanks. Also @ 00:53 I wanted it to fade in (which was actually inspired by you btw). Thanks!

  • Also bring the level up on your bass becuz it adds that extra umff to the song

  • when your making the beat add more cymbols or maybe a crash but thats my opinion Its a good beat!! GOOOD JOB