This song is a way for me to get melodies out of my head. Enjoy if you would be so inclined to do so.

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  • Whoa I can't believe I missed this. I love this man, think this is one of your best!

  • cheesuz sick melodies

  • I feel like remixing this, but don't count on it. It'd be fun.

  • Pretty funky song :)

  • bit-music. Love it!

  • so... much.. melody! DROP IT LIKE A FRIJ M8! that drop is seriously addicting. the swing is like, over 9000, lol. pretty freaking spiffy bra

  • @Xavi research what Pewdiepie uses :)

  • I've actually been thinking on doing some tutorials, but I don't know what I'd record the screen with.

  • Hi, how much do you charge for music lessons? Also, nice Baounsce™, as Bluedude said.

  • Awesome track man, i like that melody alot with the Rass!!! ;D

  • awesome intro! awesome progressive work! xav one love...

  • That kick is perfect for a song like this that has side-chain compression this tight.

  • Insta-fave! The swing is amazing. Reminds me of Irish folk dancing. The white noise could use some work. I ABSOLUTELY ADORE THE DROP. Sounds like an electric guitar is involved.