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  • soothing

  • dudeee

    this is unbelievably deep and textured

    im amazed. i want to breathe it in

  • fantastic track, dude) Tell me please, how did you get such a deep Chord? It seems incredible in this app)

    • thank you! It's usually just a saw wave, minor chord with low pass filter and then I play around with different effects depending on how I feel :)

  • Very layed back. Like it

  • great track, those percs are so good! love the part at atround 2 min :)

  • the background textures are what makes or breaks these kind of tracks for me

    its raw, thick, as if the kick drum is a machete hashing through a dense jungle

    like a photon piercing through comet and astroid debris in space

    also, 3:25 is such a tease,, I thought that hi hat was going to come in,, that's the only time I hear it man.. I love how detail oriented you are though, always have

    • so happy to see a comment from you man! thank you <3

  • So deep, loving this

  • I like this ambient sound. I can picture it in any number of stealth/action games.