a song by Lavalamp, with minor things changed. Full credits to the French dude who likes tomatoes.

EDIT: I'm planning on taking this song down. i had no idea what i was doing, this has gotten too much attention for a terrible remix of a song. Enjoy it while its still here. I plan on attempting another remix, when i can figure out how to make it good.

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  • Thanks for the remix ! Means a lot to me, and I like your description :)

    However, it's sounds strange that what you add lasts the whole music. Have you ever tried right-clicking on the tonematrix or on the 303 and select "create pattern track" ? A new line appears in the timeline. With this you can start and stop your melodies where you want in the music :)

    • I tried finding out how to make it start and stop, but i couldnt figure out how. Thanks for the advice! Im kinda new to this.