“We watch the sun go down together. The giant, burnt-orange sphere sinks towards the horizon, coloring the rock layers until it’s gone and the canyon is covered in shadow.”

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  • The melodies here complement each other very well and evolve throughout the track. This is very different/unique and overall solid work man, you really know your melodies! Love the new update to the track! Fantastic work!

  • Alright so new update on Sunset: The beat has been greatly improved thanks to Keda.

    Mellody has been tweaked a tad and bass has been moved up an octave.


    So this track was made about 3 years ago around the time I first started producing on AT intended to be an EDM of some sort. Hope everyone enjoys the new update!

  • wow this is rlly rlly beutiful

  • Republished

    Louder beat

  • Wow, those melodies are really good! They match perfectly well together. I had this on repeat for a while! There are very few errors in this but beat could use a small volume increase Id say on the kick and snare, hi-hats sound pretty good. I like kinda build-up you got within the melodies to that's awesome!

  • melodies here are fantastic! they not only compliment each other very well, but they're mixed relatively cleanly too. what i really like seeing is how the melodies evolve throughout the track, thats a huge plus since itll help keep the attention of the listener. my only crit would probably be the volume of the kick and snare. very quiet, id recommend cranking the gain up a tad. the fill also gets pretty annoying as its the same exact one repeating over and over again, so id consider...

    • Thank you for the wisdom, my friend, if you want to help fix it Ill send an invite. Also, I appreciate your comments it's really insightful.

    • ...maybe throwing different fills in. overall solid work man, you really know your melodies!

  • This is cute

  • really different, i like it :)

  • its very different/unique but I think this can go to the next level

  • This is the second track I threw together experimenting, hope everyone enjoys it at least a little ;)