The Baranquon forest is fictional forest located in another universe where the laws of physics are not the same. It is located on a giant terra that is about 387,000 mi across. It was terraformed and took around five thousand years to do so. The interior is used for gas natural resources. It is in a solar system that is much more compacted than our own. There are over 16,000 objects that are in the size limit that is able to be terraformed. The giant Baranquon forest is located around a city about the size of the united states. It is the fourth largest city on that planet. Due to the manipulation of gravity, the planet is made to be around the same atmospheric pressure as the earth. Due to the widen atmosphere, This caused the trees and plant life on this planet to be larger than that of the Earth. The planet is traced by an artificial ring shaped sun the lets out a vanilla glow to the surface. The heat is what allows weather patterns to exist. The location of Baranquon is at the late-Afternoon to twilight region of the planet. This means that this environment is set in a perpetual late-Afternoon to sunset setting. This universe is born after the extinction of our current universe. Earth remain rouge until it reached this solar system in this other universe. Civilization started nearly one hundred thousand years ago. This universe is also binary which is another reason why the system is compacted. At the same time it is far away from other stars and solar systems. The system is a Binary with the addition of two brown dwarfs. One of the brown dwarfs is named Drazon Major which is where the Baranquon is. Both Brown dwarfs have been terraformed. The main star is an Orange dwarf. The second star is a red dwarf and the third one the other brown dwarf. This universe is in the middle to late stages of its life. Sun-like stars or yellow dwarfs became rare while orange dwarfs are uncommon. Red dwarfs are the most common type of stars in that universe.


I am writing a science fiction story and this is part of it.

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