Own a slave tycoon

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0 -
0 veryyyy cool man i love it
but just one more question how you make the melody in 0:15 ???
1 Slavery wasn't cool.
1 Instead of getting rid of it wht not NPC Roblox Tycoon
1 slavery tycoon
0 o-o damn bro gonna yoink all of the races
0 imma make a game like this
1 i would say im surprised no one has tried to buy me yet, but my stats are ass so it's fair XD
0 You have to make this into a real game
Use like unity cause this has potential fr
0 Sounds like a fire game fr
Does Abraham Lincoln get shot in it too?
2 yetnt stats are tuff
0 Husk:
Easy to capture(maybe on purpose?)
+50% all production
Enjoys being whipped +10% or -10% whip skill whether you want to participate in the whipping or not.
Wait wtf is going on +20% sussy slave behavior????
Can seduct overseers-10% co-operation
1 How much for LV
0 Can I buy jersey
0 yetnt
- race : black
- will work for any amount of hours
- +100% production on fridays
- -50% production on mondays
- will escape from enclosure on wednesdays and randomly comes back the next week