Every last breath of a suicide is a last call for help.

Please guys, this is not to get likes. I'm really here to tell anyone who wants to end their life not to do so. If you decide to, you'll miss so many things. You'll never graduate; you'll never have a family; you would've never been able to meet Morgan Freeman at that cafe; you would've never witnessed your favorite sports team win that national title; you would've never become successful. There are so many things you'd miss out on. Not to mention all those who would mourn at your passing. Most who are at the breaking point think most don't even care about them. Well guess what, it isn't true. What about your mom?, who cries everyday because she had to bury her child before she, herself, was buried. What about your dad?, who can't look anyone in the eye because he's constantly wondering where he went wrong as a parent that made you make that decision. What about your sibling?, who can't even bear the thought of living in a house without you, who cries everytime she's hurt and wants to hold you. What about your best friend?, who would cry at the sound of yalls favorite song. What about your teacher?, who feels just a little more empty inside with the unoccupied desk looking at them everyday. What about me?, I care. I don't even know you and I care. The point is, YOU MATTER. You matter so much. You mean so much to people and so many people are supporting you.

find whatever makes you happy, and do it everyday. Whether it be drawing and tickling worms, do it. Whatever keeps you from the ledge, do it. And find something to make you smile everyday. Tell someone a joke, tell a stranger they'r ebeautiful. Do anything but end it. I felt compelled to tell this because as I was cleaning my room, I found the bullet that I used in my attempt to end myself. Only reason I'm still here is that the bullet was a dud and didnt fire. Now I'm still alive and I smile everyday. Stay strong guys. We are here for you.

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  • wow... the message... it tells som much. even though it's small. :'-)

  • I am publishing this right now homie the track marks are historical event in people lives if somebody who tried to do that actually got on this website and read your lines on this track it might actually change there minds about make the think twice before deciding great job Mr.GoodCat good job

  • i'll fav anyway. because of what was written

  • Only thing I love more than the music right now is your message.

    Had you been successful in ending your life, we wouldn't have met on AT, and that's one of the smaller things that could have simply not taken place, let alone the other great things happening in your life. I hope that people who are on the verge of ending their lives come across your message and heed to your reason and advice.

  • Song is ok

    But the desc is powerful af

  • pretty inspiring dude. could use some mixing, but this is pretty good :)

  • The arps sound a bit like a bird. Idk how you managed to do that.

  • Very nice description and very nice track as well. You did a great job on this. Keep up the good work m80 :D

  • I started to cry reading that very inspirational and very true

  • good stuff right here m8

  • well said and well written

  • Inspiring!

  • This reminds me of a book I wrote, Seamus, The Archangel

  • Tht Made A Smile On My Face :)

  • Nice man