Future bass testing is really what this is but it was really fun. Still not sure how to make more powerfull chords, but i guess ill look it up :@ Lemme know if you think i could use some, or a lot, of help

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  • Well the way i get tracks to be loud, is by cutting and subtractively eqing everything, which then in turn lets you turn up the main volume of the mix

    • Thank you so much man ti means a lot

    • bingo :)

    • Oh ok gotchya that way it isn't all muddy.

  • Read the description, the key to getting powerful chords is stacks. Layer your synths, have one doing the bassline, another one or two doing the main bulk of it, and a lead to layer on top of it, and be sure to eq correctly, remembering to cut instead of boost :)

    • Thank you, that is actually extraordinarily helpful.. I never really cut anything using eqs haha I should get on that. As for making tracks louder how do you approach that?