
0 Followers 0 Following Joined about 1 year ago

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  • hi I saw you where in my track, don't know how you did it but welkome to audiotool :~)

    if you have questions be free to ask....

    • There should be a click counter for all users, like ponyo 12537 click that other guy 0....lol

    • I did the same thing a while ago, hoping to host a huge collab but only two users joined (i didn't even know them), and they added nothing to the track. now it says their co-authors psshhh

    • No later I found out there was an open inventation setting on, I didn't know of. So I changed that but these guys where in....it was so strange being in the studio and suddenly hellfireforever or what's his name can in, I was like whaaat don't mess whith the vibe and kicked him out...lol :~) got nothing against collaborating but I like to know you for a bit first...

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