15 Followers 16 Following Joined about 7 years ago

Hello, my name is Xavier. I am a 18 year old guitarist here on Audiotool, I intend to create tracks here involving my acoustic and electric guitar to hone my musical ability.

I'm actually surprised that there's no other artists doing stuff like this, even beyond Audiotool. I'm pretty nervous over how this will end up, but I really hope that my visitors and followers will give me enough feedback and criticism for me to improve. After all, I can't promise that any of my content will be sound good to you.

Also, unless I randomly blow up on this website, I'll make sure to follow back almost every follower I gain as a token of appreciation for being interested in my profile. Just sure to comment on this wall or one of my songs to let me know how I'm doing.

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  • If you're a follower or a visitor I want to let you and everyone else know that I'm going to be taking a quick hiatus from Audiotool for a little while. It's nothing personal, I need to focus on a lot of things in my life that require my attention. I do intend on coming back someday, because music has always been my passion since I was very young. I hope to see you all very soon.

    • Hey, congratulation on 100 followers! You truly deserve it! I appreciate the invite for the contest but unfortunately I'm too busy at the moment to contribute right now, but I hope you find more participants in the future.

  • I used to believe in following everyone who followed me, but just between the two of us: some of the people on this site seem kind of crazy or overly crude. The point being, just be careful!

    • No problem! I like to check out the new guys and drop a follow if I think they have some talent. I usually don't think of myself as an older member, but I guess I am! I didn't get many plays on my early tracks at all (and still don't really) but I appreciated whenever anyone took the time to favorite or comment on my tracks. I hope it goes well and you can come to me if you ever need any feedback. Good luck!

    • Hey man, thanks for tip! I don't know much about this community so I'll definitely keep an eye out for any inappropriate folks out there. I appreciate the advice though; and thanks for commenting on my song! It's nice to see older members reach out to the small guys every once in a while.