Edition Audiotool: Joa Ebert

Total playing time: 0:49:26

Enjoy the this week's Top 10 Album compiled by Audiotool and defrac co founder @Joa Ebert .

Be sure to check his informative feature on Facebook as well:

"Only a glimpse of all the talent we have on Audiotool fits into this list. These tracks are my personal Audiotool classics and maybe some people who joined Audiotool more recently will enjoy them too."

1. The Acid Threw My Suit by @csus

"This is simply a great track and I totally love it. Maybe someone can name the genre. It reminds me of a bar where crazy music is played and people dance funny. More of this please! Also: more funny dancing please!"

2. Carsberg by @techno94

"All time favorite of mine. Techno94 created amazing tracks when Audiotool was still very young and there was no Heisenberg. You should check out all the tracks on his profile. It’s a shame he is no longer active. If someone knows him: please make him come back!"

3. Recluse by @Olaf

"This was the hardest to pick for me since Olaf has released so many great tracks. I think Recluse is an absolute Audiotool masterpiece. It is one of those songs I listen to while working late at night."

4. Nightlight by @opaqity

"Opaqity is my personal favorite Audiotool user actively releasing tracks. I love his music with all the subtle details. Also great to listen to while walking to work, working and walking from work back home."

5. Teeth by @rnzr

"There is simply no top ten without Rnzr and I love his tracks. As an Audiotool developer I must say that Teeth is my emotional favorite. It was a track that blew all of us away when it got released. You can’t believe how happy we were listening to that song. It was like listening to the justification for all those sleepless nights. Nice guy and amazing artist!"

6. Lost ( @ascent Remix) by @Tyburn

"The original by Tyburn is already beautifully itchy. As you can probably guess by now I really like this kind of music. I also love to see when someone like Ascent takes a great track and makes an even better remix. It is what Audiotool is all about."

7. Guitar by @yas

"One of those early classics which used the - at that time brand-new - sample player. Just recently I listened to Baba by Mux Mool again. Quite funny when you compare it to Yas’ track from a year before. Maybe I missed something in 2011/2012 but it shows once more that you don’t need expensive equipment to create great tracks."

8. Spite by @shoes

"I can’t decide which one to pick. There is Spite and there is Submerge. Both very different tracks and beautiful in their own way. Spite is definitely more whorled or “quirlig” as we Germans say."

9. Morning Tadpoles by @noraus1

"The synthesizer connoisseur at his best. We’re all grateful for the fantastic Heisenberg presets created by Noraus. I had a bunch of songs on shuffle and this one started to play while I was lying on the beach, enjoying a cold beverage and reading about purely functional data structures. My personal happy place."

10. Machine Autopsy by @Won Ton

"I want to end this list with a lovely experimental track. I also want to encourage you to try to create your own unique sounds and to continue to push the limits of Audiotool!"

Underrated Artist:

" @jeremy has lots of potential and will continue to perfect his skills to create mesmerizing Chillout tracks. Travel is my personal favorite. The track has a great balance and is very relaxing with just enough tension to keep you focused while listening yet drifting away."

11. Travel by @jeremy

My favorite track

"Simple. I was the lucky one who released the first track ever on Audiotool: On/Off . It’s not my favorite track because of the way it sounds but because of its history. The track I like the most because of the way it sounds and what it reminds me of is ATLAS."

12. ATLAS by @Joa Ebert

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  • Hey Joe Abert what ya think about my music

  • OMG u made me rasselbocking at Audiotool

  • #ThanksJoa!

  • creator of rasslebock, I thank you eternally

  • thanks for all your work!!

  • Some real gems in there!

  • Well deserved man

  • That's a nice Toothbrush

  • Honored. 8)

  • ayyyy jeremy <3

    good feature :)

  • congrats for the feature... and also having the first ever track (something i never knew about haha)


  • Ha, I just realize the face is taken via a mirror. Technically it is flipped too ;)

  • Classics! :D

  • The face behind the flipped profile. :) I always wondered about that....Now I know. :))) Thanks for all of your work, man. Because of it my days are infinitely more fun!