• video
  • game
  • adventure
  • chiptune
  • soundtrack
  • astral
  • concept
  • aurora

Astral Aurora Part 2

Total playing time: 0:42:49

[Next]: Astral Aurora Part 3

[Previous]: Astral Aurora Part 1


After the initial defeat of Odera, you continue your journey even deeper into the astral plane, which is now on high alert. What seemed like a fun and interesting journey has turned into a dangerous and daunting quest. Escape seems like a good option right now, but the mystery of the unknown is persuading you to journey even further than you probably should.


Also, a quick side note: This part of the soundtrack was primarily made in late 2020, and a tiny tiny bit in january 2021, and then released that same month.

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  • i will make part 3 someday in the future

  • To think that only 1 man is behind this.

  • this is so well done

  • amazing stuff man, hope you reach your goal one day of composing for a game, or even getting this one made. you deserve it

  • purchased on bandcamp with a extra 5 dollar donation <3

    the melodic aspect of this is amazing

  • still waiting for the game

  • this is some impossibly elegant writing. utterly captivating throughout. purchased on bandcamp i encourage others to do the same!

    • i'm gonna send this to my comp sci friends and see if any of them would be into making the game! no promises tho, but with a soundtrack like this who in their right mind would say no??

    • i really do wish i could turn this into a game but i don't know how to code or even manage a team yet, but i do sort of have a story for it

    • this is honestly some of the best chiptune I have ever listened to ngl.

      if you made a game out of this I would play it just to see how the music is implemented because I feel like I am already there when I close my eyes and listen.

  • beautiful music

  • Your melodic work is incredible. So glad I got to listen to this.

  • Absolutely astonishing! If you ever sell this please let me know!

  • Now we need a game to the 2 soundtracks. If it matched the quality of the soundtracks, then o_o

  • Really nice chiptune album! My favorites were probably The Dream, Unused Stage Theme, and the whole of Sector CC.