what do yall think of copyright, and sampling?

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like, i know what AT devs stance is on it, but what does the community think of it?

personally i think copyrights just a more advanced form of stealing. it's like going up to somebody and saying "hey, you can't sample anything because i'm a old-head that can't adapt with the times. you are copyright infringing because you want to make something with something i made, and that's not okay because nobody should be allowed to sample anything because it's MUH COPYRIGHT INFRINGMENT!!!1"

like free the samples man. let people do whatever they want as long as it isn't hurting anybody. sheesh.

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  • rule 1: follow Copyright

    rule 2: sample things that are not copyrighted

  • Copyright isn't only economical. It can also be moral. An artist might not want their work to be associated to a message (political, commercial, etc.) they don't agree with. For example, the Rolling Stones exercise their copyright to prevent Trump from using their music at his rallies. It's simple: you created it, you have the right to decide how it's used, economically or otherwise. That's copyright.

  • some people work really hard to make their samples, what you're saying is pretty much the equivalent of "I should be able to copy off of your homework because it won't hurt anybody, right?"

    • that's not what i meant

    • "No pay, but it's great exposure!"

    • no, i'm not saying that.

      also, and their hard work will be worth it when somebody samples it .

  • Companies are strict. They don't care, families need the money, it's pretty simple.

    • Court fees are thousands of dollars, but you are not likely to go to jail unless it is something very strict.