What kind of music do you dislike?

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Aight I hope i'm not starting any wars with this topic, but i'm just curious. For me, I don't really like kawaii or cute music (especially kawaii future bass) because I just don't really like that aesthetic all that much, not to discourage anyone though.

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  • ironically, i have a pretty big distaste for edm on the more generic side.

  • I'm a huge fan of not just EDM, but also Metal. I love all kinds of Metal. Heavy Metal, Death Metal, Nu Metal, Groove Metal, Metalcore, Deathcore, but if there's one subgenre of Metal I couldn't really get into, it might be Norwegian Black Metal.

    Bands like Mayhem and Burzum. Like, I'm not trashing on people that like it, but it's just not for me.

    Norwegian Black Metal is known for its music and its imagery. It's full of edgy Satanic lyrics and imagery, almost every band nowadays needs a pentagram or an inverted cross. Which I'm not against Satanic imagery, a bunch of bands I listen to that AREN'T NBM use that type of imagery, probably like the tiny pentagram every now and then, but NBM takes it up to 10. I'm talking about on the front of a CD, inverted cross, back of the CD, pentagram. The lyrics? Love letters to Satan. And the instrumentals themselves are repetitive. Like, they all use trem picking on the guitars and blast beats on the drums, and if you're bass, don't even try. Most Norwegian Black Metal sounds like it was recorded on a Nokia phone from the 90's that was placed on an ice cooler down the road. I just don't like it a lot. The edgy "ooh Satan good, Jesus bad" lyrics in every song, the bad music quality, the community is full of edgy kids, and don't get me started on the man Varg Vikernes. I leave that Google search to yourself.

    Now don't get me wrong, there are a few good NBM bands out there, and even some with good sound quality like Behemoth, but the majority of it is the same edgy, repetitive nonsense.

    • I know all too well about Euronymous and the "Dawn Of The Black Hearts" cover photo. Disgusted me when I heard of it, him and Varg.

    • I tried to listen to Mayhem because my friend handed me a CD of Deathcrush and... I just can't get into it. Something about the mix, it lacks umph

      And apparently Euronymous is a complete pile of shit, read about the Dead situation

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  • weeaboo breakcore

  • i hate country music its ass

  • Most radio pop music. You know the type, the stuff you can tell is literally just made to appeal to the masses. Not all of it, though.

    And I'm not talking pop as a whole. Plenty of music influenced by pop has caught my ears in the past (mainly Monstercat Instinct), and even when it has some of those elements that radio pop is infamous for, I still wind up enjoying it.

    As for why... I can't give you a concrete answer. It's not because I hear it all the time, because, well... I stopped listening to the radio, and streaming platforms don't tend to promote it to me out of the blue. It's also not the basic structures, or the progressions, or anything involving songwriting, because that's all on whether the creator feels it's right to do so. Thinking about it now, I don't honestly have a definitive reason for disliking it, but I do anyways.

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  • OH ALSO CCM and most mainstream gospel i hate that shit with a passion

  • country with a doubt lol

  • Beatles

  • cardi b

  • I hate music that makes no sense

    3 more
  • I'll happily listen to all genres of music, but nightcore is absolute shit. It takes no skill to make at all.

    • I never developed a taste for nightcore either. Vaporwave, from what I've heard at least kinda has some more going on sometimes, but the arguments can be made for either generally, especially if you're unfamiliar like I am. I am a little biased though, since I've listened to vaporwave way more than nightcore, and even then, that isn't a lot.

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  • modern nintendo music in general

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  • I fucking despise folk. Especially youtuber folk pop type stuff. It's ALL the SAME and they're ALL the SAME PEOPLE

    • I do think that that sound is quintessentially indie though

    • Indie might be broad but Indie and folk are definitely distinct for me and that album falls into indie imo.

    • also yeah indie is definitely a broad term

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