track #7 on 'somewhereinbetweenasunset&ahappyplace'


yonko is absolutely insane at music

so so so blessed to have him as a frequent collab person


small 8-bit game backing track style thing

possibly for a lil thing in my compsci a level but we will see (;


"just close your eyes

come free your mind

i'll save your life

and you'll be mine

cross my heart

and hope to die

i'll always be

your lullaby" - yonko gutrich

just a little something to get some feelings out, thanks so much to known for making this happen, his ideas are absolute gold <3

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  • those drums are so frickin nice tho

  • oooh this is niceeeeeeeE

  • This is really special.

  • this came out exactly how i envisioned it

    its a beautiful thing when that happens

    thank u so much for involving me in this project

    • i appreciate it

      dont be so modest urself, however, ur stsrting points really make or break.the track

    • trust me ur the besttt

    • no, never

      i wouldnt have been able to come up with that by myself haha

      last time i tried it unfortunately resulted in 1989 lmao

    1 more
  • vvvviiiibbeess