it feels good to actually not use a preset for once MMMM


so, to start off, i hecking hit 150 followers... which doesn't mean much to most but to me it really makes me... happy? cause when i made my audiotool account, the last thing i expected was even getting up to 20 followers, but holy HECK I've achieved a lot of milestones in over a year, such as reaching my first 10, 20, 30, and just recently, 40 favs! it's so funny how i got 40+ favs on the track i least expected to get 40+ favs at, but i ain't complaining lol

back then it was considered a miracle to get even have 10+ favs, and now getting 10 favs feels more common than ever now and alongside that, i have drastically improved with the experimental sounds i wanted to explore (aka meaning being even MORE random lol), and now wish to continue expressing it for as long as i can because there's NO limit in wanting to push the limits.

i honestly wanna thank my inspirations that really inspired me to do MORE with my stuff and not worry about it being... "up to standard", and that thought stuck with me for so long, but now i stopped GIVING a flying darn and now I'm treating my sounds the way I WISH to treat it, even when people say i fail miserably at using the pulsar lol

anyways I'm getting far ahead of myself now lol


the theme for THIS remix competition is experimental ambience/drone! literally just create the absolute abstract sounds you can muster out of this - no limitations, treat it HOWEVER you wish to, but the main goal of this is to try and push boundaries yourself, do something you don't USUALLY do in music or your sound design, go off the rails and slam in as many soundscapes as you wish! BUT, here's the catch-

you can only use up to 10+ devices. treat the limitations to your best instinct and go as wild as you wish to! >:(( y'all better enjoy y'allselves and digitally destroy that pulv or heis or space WHATEVER!


due date is to be decided lol

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