I think I still need to change up the second half repeat of the original theme to have a new melodic/improv line over the original theme/chords, but I need a break now.

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  • Love it!!

  • Republished

    minor adjustment

  • Republished

    Embelishments, dynamic updates and other stuff

  • Thanks. I'm already updating some more by adding another synth to the mix. The sad thing is that there are many samples tagged as "jazz", but really aren't very jazz based :(

  • hehe crazy! that sax in the middle is trippy m8! :)

  • I'd love to hear someone remix a solo line on this (with a pulve/other synth or uploaded work). It's pretty wide open. For assistance, it's all using very related chords - alternates between Am7, Dm7, Fm7 (can combine these) and C7, Em7 (or CMaj7 9). Has a few flavors thrown in, but shouldn't hurt if you use these as your guide.

  • haha love the style