Original Song: Felix Cartal - Mine (with Sophie Simmons)

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  • omfg

  • sounds like a chord prog that the fat rat would come up with

    sounds pretty good, just needs more work and more... yknow. song. but im sure that that is what you meant by running out of ideas. sounds like some house, or something that could be future bass maybe.

    • sorry i didnt reply. i havent been on audiotool in a while. too absorbed in anime and video games. >-> idrk what you could add to it, but it just sounds awfully empty. i know thats not exactly constructive, but recently my mind has been kind of void of musical ideas. everytime i resume a project, i get stumpped and cant think of anything.

    • Should I be adding like an arp or maybe like a glitchy percussion to change it up a bit and keep the song moving? I was thinking about a piano but the sample uploader isnt working rn ;-;