After traveling through the previous stages, Chartreuse appears from some sort of portal to stop you and Odera. He is annoyed that they both decided to adventure instead of leaving, and he believes that they won’t survive their interaction with Apnea, which could make Apnea even more destructive towards others in the future. He says that he’s trying to save everyone some trouble, and if they both don’t stop now, he will stop them himself.


Chartreuse is very slow, but also very powerful. He often uses his surroundings to attack in the rare case that he feels like fighting. He's actually grown quite rusty since his last battle according to Cor Caroli.


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  • '...often uses his surrounding to attack...'

    You've force my hand yet again...



  • Chartreuse just wants us to avoid the dangers of Sleep Apnea, what a caring fellow

    I like the 9/8, must have been interesting to compose in

  • Nice one !

  • woah. man. i really love this stage and there are no words to describe my liking to this era in your musical career