another fun project^^

Inspired by Himitsu kuro no chikai

Hope you enjoy it. Please let me know what you think about it and leave a comment.

Stay tuned ツ

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  • thanks for using my sample g

  • Republished

    - fixed some soundglitches

    - filled quiet parts

  • This melody is very nice, i especially like the use of slide/glide (or legato idk what you used out of these but i like it)

    • It's just another preset. I detuned it a bit and set it one octave down, so it sounds a bit deeper and get more volume if you mean the high pitched one, that's "Midoris Sweep 2" and the deep one is "Midoris Deep Lead". I saved it, so you can use it if you want ;)

    • i can hear some of it during and after 01:15

    • Thanks =) If you tell me which part you mean, I can tell you what I did :)