(DeadStop and Phantom Reaver duo sprite in progress)

(In-game cutscene)

BF: You know,

I'm still confused about something.

DeadStop: What is it?

BF: Why do I feel like I met you two before?

Reaver: Maybe it has something to do with what's "glowing" on.

BF: Okay, that was bad there, Reaver.

Reaver: What? I can't "kelp" it.

DeadStop: Ugh, one of these days Reaver, your puns are going to get us in trouble.

???: You already have.

*Everyone turns around towards the voice*

DeadStop: This cannot be happening right now.

???: heya guys, how are you doing?

Reaver: Well, we're really "cracking" it up here.

???: heh, really "humorous" kid.

GF: Sans?

Sans: you guessed right, kid.

Reaver: Well, I believe that these guys over here have their "funny bones" broken.

Sans: huh, they don't have the "spine" to laugh at it,

nor has the "backbone" to crack one up.

DeadStop: *Face-palms*

Can we get on with the next song, please?

Reaver: Yeah, sure thing-

Sans: hey bf, how's it going?

Reaver: -and we're still talking.

Sans: nah, just saying hi.

I gotta help papyrus with some stuff anyways.

see you later Keith.

BF: ???

Keith: Should we get to the next song, Deus?

BF: What's going on here?

Deus: Just deal with it.

(Music Starts)

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