The biggest song I've ever worked on.

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  • Fuck now I can finally remake this how I wanted <3

  • Spectacular!


    chords so far are good, your desc. is living up to expectations

    Oohhh my that sub rocks my $20 Skull Candy earpods :)

    I like the drop!! Chords sound super good, this has good atmosphere which I'm a fan of.

    That second cooldown/build up I like more than the first, thank you for changin it up from the first

    Oooh I really like the arp in the second chorus

    • earpods eh? I'm sorry I thought I replied to your comment here but ended up being I didn't ;-;

    • Something about that first break and bass seems off, I'm not sure if its not enough highs, or loud enough but i feel something

      The second bass that comes in sounds better, which is weird idk maybe im just hearing it weirdly lmao don't sweat it too much.

      I really like the outro, I always thought a simple melody with the chords rising in suspense is a great ending.

      Great track man!!

  • Hm the high arp is familiar, gives me xavi vibes lel. Some of the bass notes in the second drop sound a little weird. I especially like those first two bars of the first drop when there are no drums and the synths open up and scream.

    • Thank you <3 I'll look into the second drop.

  • Republished

    More Mastering

  • intro is super pretty. the sub sounds like it's out of tune when it comes in? check that out. the mixing leading up to the drop is a bit awkward. the drop clips really hard and has too many lows. the sidechaining is also weird, the release is a bit too high for me. eq your snare, it's too thick in the low mids and doesn't have enough high end punch (continued)

    • it really helps to have each synth take up its own space frequency-wise. your issue rn is that a lot of your synths are mid/low mid heavy while you don't have enough highs. having fewer synths adding to your mids will help with that "pop" you're looking for a lot

    • I see what you mean. I completely forgot I put in a riser. I have a hard time spacing synths out soundwise to make them pop

    • always happy to give crit my dude, glad to see you're looking to improve

    9 more
  • Republished

    turned on intro bass. Accidentally had it off

  • Republished

    Completely fixed chords and changed the bass slightly and added more dubstep properties.

    • oh no I turned the bass off in the intro :O

  • The kick definitely needs a more noticable punch in the drop. Note to self: clean up chordwork and edit some synths. Raise volume slightly.

  • sounds like a light lfo on the cutoff would be nice on the second drop but thats just the fb artist in me

  • Republished

    Fixed bass loudness and added cover photo

  • ooh me like that synth in the beginning

  • this is really dope, its too quiet and need a mid bass, but still super dope

    • I have growls in the second drop. My first time adding some of my own.

  • Republished

    added growls and mastering.

    • I hear clipping at the end. Crud

    • dang. I gotta fix the first chord and that bass.

  • Republished

    woo FInished