Song is in Swedish and I and a friend of my dad have just started to collab a bit. Benny provided me with two synth samples and vocals, so most is done by me in audiotool. The guitar sounding synth that is heard through the whole track and the synth in the beginning are made by him.


Lyrics (very short lol):

På andra sidan stannar tiden

(the time stops on the other side)

Och den står still

(and it stands still)


Andra Sidan means The Other Side in Swedish for those of you who're curious.

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  • Nice rithm :)

  • Unpopular opinion: Swedish sounds real cool

    • Good news for you! Me and Benny are working on more Swedish stuff, and I myself have thought multiple times of doing Swedish music so when that mic gets finally gets delivered you might hear some more :D Also I'd recommend you listen to the Swedish band Kent, they're really good