Hey guys just had some fun with this

Huge shout out to Nix for helping me out and

hope yall enjoy

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  • I like it! It's very very unique! I wasn't expecting this im not gonna lie! my fav part 2:23

  • Also, congrats on the chart

  • I like that lead synth. Also the drop sounds dope!

  • i like it, it sound epic!

  • hard but just not a flow to rap on yk 8-10 for like pop punk music

  • That middle drop part is pretty cool

    When the screech at around 1:38 shifts around, you could layer that with an arp for a cool effect

    • i literally just joined this draft yesterday and imo the parts dont really fit with each other and transitions are really rough but @killer wolf (prod) SR decided to publish it anyway so XD anyway thanks for the feedback, man, i made this part in like 2 hours, i am pretty proud with the sound

  • Assets :/

    • The beat is ok but the drums sélection is not really WOW

  • nice beat