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  • long ago it felt so........ weird... different very different.. like.. weird.. people acted different

    they looked different.. and people have there own lifes.. and there own story's sometimes like.. school when we wont know who will meet.. but this generation of 2023 FUCKING SUCKS. the passed was ... better but... sometimes i regret .. everything but,.. lifes insane lifes done lifes good lifes bad and im not good and thats good but not good but god knows im a person and he know's would the he

  • highly appreciate the feedback jake <3

  • 2nd place man! :)

    this track has got some amazing features that make it unique from many other tracks ! the bass has an extremely wide stereo presence, whilst the lead synths and white noise sit in the centre of the mix. this is the opposite of standard convention but the track is all the better for it.

    Combine that with the lazy 4 to the floor rhythm and the distant sounding reverbs and we have a really nice chill track.

  • best vibes ever

  • Great bass sound!!!!!

  • Republished

    bass actually wasn't loud enuff and didn't like plucks in 1st drop so ye prolly last pub (unless somehow I mix and master this)

  • mmmmmm bassss

  • Republished

    bass is smoother/bigger/reesier/yeet

  • send to mrsucidesheep plz and get famous

  • it kinda feels lofi bro but, it's not idk lol

  • how can i get it to where the drums dont come in instantly someone please help

  • agree with @looks

    if this doesn't place, then i don't know what will.

  • its so light but also so dark

  • Beautiful!

  • Your bass is so amazing. Weirdinside in a nutshell.