First track off of the Colors LP: each color is a different genre.

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  • (black and track joke)

  • I came to this track and never came back.

  • Woah


  • <3

  • insane. This color album is alrdy my most fav songs on audiotool.

  • omg..... darn

  • Damn, just...damn! ._.

  • Damn. And here I was thinking I was being clever.



    I figured out the way the album worked before he finished it.

    Does that mean I actually am clever?

    Also, seriously, LESS synths? AND no less amazing, production-wise? Well, better just dump all my drafts that use more than two synths. Like all of them.

  • That's why I started with it. I start with no color (black) and end with all color (white).

  • lmao that moment when Teq forgets that black is the absence of light and therefore color.

  • supposed to be like zedd with teh colors?

  • This is gonna be epiccc

  • Each colour is gonna be a different genre? This is going to be SO interesting! Cant wait!

  • when he uses your snare ^-^