Mariye gave a small shrug

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  • Eerie, love it man

  • ... i feel a little bit of "resident evil" in it, really like it

  • Started some Murakamis. Have to retry . Good music for a melancholic rainy night bus scene

    • "Blind Willow Sleeping Woman" and "The Elephant Vanishes" are good short story collections. My recommended first HM novels might be "Kafka on the Shore" or "Hard Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World". There's a lot of repetition of themes and motif's across his work but i've most of it great reads.

  • He-he good track smells philosophy :)

    This music can go to the movie.Cool track

    • I'm not familiar with this novel :(

      But if the opportunity presents itself, I will pay attention to it.


    • title's from the novel "Killing Commendatore" by Haruki Murakami (rereading now). :)