Who the fuck are we?

I have regular rants about humanity/humanities to my girlfriend. Needless to say they get a bit boring but still...

We (humans) were once SO great. We explored and invented literally everything. From the most efficient way to walk and run, to how to cook food safely and how to entertain ourselves with noting but a stone. We found the world, and turned it into the greatest invention of man. Society.

Now look at us. Terrible ignorant consumers.

Every day, we get up. Go to work, for a job we have. (in words of fight club), 'to buy shit we don't need'. We are stuck inside, inventing little to nothing of actual, humanitarian use. And if we do invent anyhting, its for our own greed and nothing more. People and Capitalism are alive through oportunistic, ignorant and greedy pigs.

We live for, and on money.

Surely. Surely, there must be a better way to live our lives?

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  • man, i wish you'd un-hide your tracks! please use albums instead of hiding them! :)

  • Thanks again Zone :)

    Your support means a lot man!

  • Really nice atmosphere, again really chill, I especially like the intro, it's really catchy.

    the pad, background synth has a really nice quality to it.

  • Ooohh, i see what you mean now :') Yeah everything is filled up. Its a bad habit, i either cram one range with stuff so it all clashes, or i put something in EVERY range, which sounds confusing. Cheers for the advice man! :)

  • I suppose it's 'the drop' but with this track you've got all the frequency ranges filled up all ready and those sounds don't work (imo) with the rest of the track. It sounds brilliant without them as a pretty chilled out track.

  • Wait, so, the drop? :')

  • I mean all the sounds that come in at 2 mins. :)

  • Wow cheers for the comment Tyburn! :)

    What wobbling noises are you talking about specifically?

    But thanks man. Knowing that YOU think im improving is a real confidence boost yeah! :)

  • Really great melodies in this, I'd suggest getting rid of the wobbling noises that come in at around 2 mins and the you stuff, so cliché sounds like them aren't needed as this is a really nice piece of music and the sound design for the rest of the sounds are really great. Trying to criticise constructively as you're really improving. :)

  • Cheers Chaos!

  • haha i will

  • Cheers Abaddon! :)

    Feel free to pop round ;)

  • epic sounds , love this alot , havent been here way to long

  • Cheers for the fave Jinx! :)

  • Thanks Jaradodo! :)

    That synth was great to work with. It was someones preset that i fiddled with a tad