All sounds on this track ( except the bass ) are derived from just a very short click noise. Unfortunately it seems that we can make only limitted pitches... Enjoy !


This is very simplified thing that the way of synthesis called Karplus-Strong Synthesis. It's excuted by doing very short time feedback with click soound. Resulting pitch depneds on feedback time, not on pitch of click. But this experiment with Stereo Detune, we can't only limited pitches when change the delay tiime. I don't know why ;) I'm not so familir with this synthesis. It may caused limit of Flash. Or it could be done inside one tool. In the first place, S.Detune output not only delayed sound...


This is just a fun ;) It might be used for making limited pitch tone, some percussive sounds or sound effects. Without feedback it's interesting that apply very short delay to sound like click.It also can be done by changing start point of two same samples on Machiniste.


I think generally feedback loop is useful to make more organic changes of sound.It's also interesting to do feedback on Pulv with some effcts unit.

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