Monday Music. Bonus points if you can guess the time sig...

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  • what, how is this so underrated

  • wow, just WAHAOw

  • The little breaks in the drums are so nice

  • brilliant track

  • oo nice man. good hat timings and such

  • I looked at the time sig in the draft but I don't get how that's it lol. sounds like 4/4 with the bar split up into odd-numbered rhythms

    • haha yeah, weird right? kinda stole the idea from vijay iyer, he does some similar things in some of his pieces.

  • Love the feel! Cant count tho, I'll probably end up opening it just to see what it is (;

  • sounds like 4/4 but that would be to easy i guess :D

    • haha yup, it does sound like 4;)

    • That's definitly not some 4/4 but I cant manage to count them.