sep9 I might rap on this

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  • Cant wait yoo ass to go on fl soo we can collab fr

    • update i got deep into ableton LMFAOOO

    • I guess it just depends on the person. I'll be basic and just run AT and FL when I do get a Mac since Im not confident using the other DAWs

    • it tooked me like 3-4 month to make nexus work

    12 more
  • holy shit man still shocks me

  • this beat was ahead of my time ima just say that

  • Godly.

  • Damn...those drums go nicely with the sample

  • Republished

    sep13 back to low pitch hats

  • Republished

    sep13 88bpm to 100bpm so the sample is more audible, plus different hat pitch

  • ahhh i wanna hop on this buttttt im shiet lmao

  • would it be too much trouble to ask you to send this sample to me through email?

    • the sample is saved in my AT sample library tho, not from my usb or anything

  • Republished

    sep10 minor changes with the sample

  • danm you found the legendary kendrick sample

  • i like you version better than is

  • Republished

    sep10 louder 808s, louder snare (different snare), and minor changes

  • i might turn that sub up a teensy bit, along with the snare