i guess this is sort of cyber goth techno stuff. the inspiration for this song came from pong by eisenfunk so if this sounds familiar thats why. anyway hope you all enjoy it. :) -R!0-

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  • this would make an awesome geometry dash level,,,

  • but still, i really love this one, different reasons...

  • i love the remix loads. its way different than i expected

  • "I didn't like the ending so I smoothed it out" ? lolol

    got it

  • This really deserves more attention, how come it haven't?!

  • thanks man :)

  • Cool intro it's very nice :)

  • thank you :D :D ^___^

  • Ok, so the more of it I hear the better it gets! Whoa

  • Some of the notes from that synth at the start sound slightly out of key or something but the rest of it is awesome! Good job!

  • Not a huge fan of this type of stuff, but I'll say, this is cool.

  • Republished

    didnt like the ending so i smoothed it out. :P and messed with the intro ;) and you can download/remix this now!!! YAAYYYY!!!!! ^____^

  • thanks yo :)

  • This is great! I love the dark atmosphere!