My first go at a trance song. Enjoy!

Edit: I changed some stuff...I don't really remember what...hmmm.....

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  • This is really awesome! I love it!

  • Thanks guys :)

  • Very nice.

  • And actually the 3:05 synth is a couple of formants with a tube and exciter.

  • mmk, what should I do with the synth at 1:25 ? Appreciate the feedback man :)

  • I like the synths and drums from the beginning to 1:10 . The thin saw synth at 1:25 sounds too dry. 2:34 , awesome synth. I love that synth at 3:05 . Is it a detuned saw with a phaser? I love the harmonies throughout this one-very relaxing.

  • Cool vibes

  • Thanks all :) Appreciate the comments and feedback!

  • so many things i like about this: that synth at the beginning, the hard drums, the breakdown is also great! I can hear the effort you put into this :)

  • This is incredibly AWESOME!! :D

  • great dude :)

  • Thanks MELONADE :) I've been getting into trance a lot lately, I borrowed the concept of the synth at 3:05 from Trancefreak12. There is a snare under the claps, its just incredibly subtle. Thanks for the advice, man! :)

  • Oooh! Love the synth at 3:05 !

    Like the Slidey Synth.

    Maybe add a snare along with the clap from 3:20 to 4:56 ?

    Deserves more favorites! :D

  • Very cool.