Neuro and Big Room, not alike, are they?

Well they are to me.

Because I like both of them.

And I try to make both of them.

But I cant.

Because it sounds terrible.

So here you go, another failed big room attempt. (it's what I do when I'm bored)

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  • not a fail at all

  • Republished

    edited drums on lead and pluck in intro

  • This is actually REALLY fucking good for a fail... I might remix this very soon

  • not bad

  • Republished

    Changed cover and lowered the volume of the kicks on the drop

  • I was so confused when you changed the name....

  • man you're getting better at this attempts

  • I like the melody, just needs some work, and it will be golden!

  • Republished

    dded some synths

  • love the desc!