Cover Credit:

Orhuf htoh osu ar goqbugg, Y bak ubpaebhuf ob uufyu kafxq... Abu htuh ruuxg qyghefnybsxi rozyxyof ha zu... Yh ruuxg xywu htyg uloph cxopu obq gaebqhfoqw ulyghuq o xabs hyzu osa... Ktub Qofwosu, zi ujyx toxr pfuohuq htuz!

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  • Republished

    Added a key change and fixed the transition at the end! :D

  • Republished

    Edited the beginning chord

  • : ) Круто !!!

    • Thank you! I'm glad that you liked it!

  • This has the slightest hint of vibes different from your other tracks. Love that cover. Does that description actually mean anything, or is it just gibberish made to look like words?... I'm wondering if I'd need some code to crack it like a Gravity Falls type of thing.

    One note around 2:09 sounds off, it definitely threw me off. But the rest of this is nice, what I'd expect from you.

    • Thanks, ER! :) It does have a meaning (or "Yh qaug toju o zuobybs" it's the same sentence but in the same code language used in this track's description) It is a secret code language which also exists in Vacantheart and Embershot,