I had a cheesy dream one night:

There was a man who loved sailing and a woman who loved him equally. One day, the woman was cursed. Over a month, she would transform into a dove. Since she would still be a human inside, she would weaken and eventually die. However, there was a key located on a beach across the sea that would release and reverse the curse. The man decided to test what he loved most and find the key. His partner would not go because as she weakened she would not survive the stress of sailing.

The man set sail alone. On the dock, watching, was his partner whom he would see as a human for the last time. He battled storms and waves but pressed on, determined to find the key. The man visited island after island, sifting through miles of beach in an impossible search through the sand. By the end of he month, he was in despair and his efforts in vain.

As the man hopelessly drifted in the sea, night fell. He looked up at the stars and spotted the constellation Columba high in the sky and imagined his partner in the dove's place. As hours passed by, the stars shifted and Columba reached the horizon. The surface of the sea began to lower(eheh, Columba+bible reference), until it revealed a glowing island in front of the constellation. He hurried to the beach, where he found a wooden hut. On the ground was a golden key. He took it and immediately began his journey back home.

A full month had passed since the man's departure by the time his homeland came into view. On the dock, his boat could be seen in the distance. A forlorn dove on the dock spotted the boat. Her hopes raised, she mustered the energy to take flight. As she approached the boat, the man recognized her even though he had never seen her in this form. Reunited, they embraced and the man used the key. But alas, the dove's flight spent her energy and she was weakened beyond saving. She died as they kissed, lips to beak, tears flowing into the sea.

This was the song that was playing as she died. First time I wrote down a song from a dream.

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