This is the song of a deprived mother. The rests are as irregular and brief as her own sleep pattern. The cries she attends to so diligently are like the storm she braves. Her life is coupled with pain and joy. Her spousal and motherly connection is bound eternally by her imparted love.

Dedicated to my beautiful wife.

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  • forgot to fav, now done. After listening again, this track is a pure jewel of love and fate, both sides of life. Really great work. Yes, I am definitly your man for a collab if you mind.


  • I didn't see this one, very sensitive track. You bring different feelings and this is a bit disturbing, just as the situation you describe. Agree with @Andy .

    Peace to you and your family

  • Soft but heavy at the same time. i love it

  • Man, you really captured the title. Fantastic drum work, and the chord progression is seriously heavy. The synth work stands out and really lends the punch to all the other factors of the song. A pleasure @Heat

    God bless you and your surely beautiful wife.

  • Thanks Torn.

  • deep beautiful work - love it !!!

  • Thanks.

  • wow, what a fantastic way to show appreciation to your wife :)

  • Thanks Guys.

  • Really nice man,,love it! I'm sure your wife does too pal ;)

  • Cool man :)