Happy Holidays! Probably going to take a short break from AT for this next week or so. Enjoy this obviously rushed track!

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  • Doesn't sound rushed to me, especially because it crashed my laptop when I tried remixing it

  • this should have more favs

  • Great

  • I don't think I saw this but would you like some feedback once I listen to the entire thing?

    • Thanks!

    • the overall ideas are good though don't get me wrong. Just work on expanding those ideas if you can

    • I feel like at around 00:25 and 01:17 , it's way too repetitive because the melody and percussion is playing every few measures. So a solution in my opinion would be to place more instruments in there like tambourines, toms, a sampled exhaust riser thingy, and maybe some hi-hats going on. For the hi-hats, I would make rolls using the 1/8, 1/16, 1/32 like you would hear on a hip hop lofi beat.

    1 more
  • Haaaard