This is a lullaby from Cappadocia. The lyrics are in Turkish and Greek language. I study this song for my final exams.

What I attempt to do here, is to create a noisy and dark atmoshere which is the feeling I get from this lullaby.

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  • i wake up whit this ....thx girls you rock like hell i love it .....

  • take out the label "beginner", great piece men

  • You know whats cool. As we get older we seem to be more interested in things that bored us when we were young. Like how you studied this song for your exams. I find stuff like that to be cool now but never would've in my younger days. Great track C.V.

  • love how you layered the vocals also

  • you did a wonderful job with the dark atmosphere :) really enjoyed this

  • wow!!! this is awesome

  • Beautiful picture to accompany! Very dark indeed..

  • Night Eyes, thank you! Glad you like what I'm doing here!

    fauko Thank you very much!

  • @Asclepeion Thank you my friend!

    do you mean it is low in the mix? Or low tone?

  • really this is amazing the voice is maybe to low?

  • Awesome!

  • I think i'm going to pass trough all your tracks tonight ! dark feel here is awesome ! And thats some very nice singin you have ! Lucky comatoast and abbadon ... =p

  • ooo gotcha...guess i dont use the beatbox enough lo..thanks for the follow

  • @sKruhmpshus Thanks for following :)

    I only used the Audiotool synths and Beatbox 8 and 9. I guess beatbox 9 has a more bassy kick especially if you mess with bd tone. I only imported the vocal parts.

    Thanks for your kind words stranger that I became one of your followers and you won't be a stranger for long :P