Sums up my feelings and thoughts.

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  • idk why it does that

  • Only crit is that it stops at 0:15

  • yeah i couldnt figure out what else to do with it sadly :(

  • Feels a bit "empty" in some sections. Other than that, this is pretty cool :]

  • Thanks! I agree

  • Could use some subs but wow this is on point

  • @TheDial tru

  • Thanks!

  • omg i can't stop listening to this song... dude this song is changing my life right now :')

  • holy helllllll broooo your so consistent with releasing absolutely sick as hell tracks well done :D

  • unhhh the drums in the intro a sick , but hey man edm is ment to be loud so fuck what people say turn that shit out , play the vol game

  • tired of this track being stupid rn

  • I apologize for the problems that this track is having, because it seems to cut out at 2:44 and it shouldnt. Hopefully I can figure out whats going on soon

  • 3:24 is a little fault i think :)

    Look at it :)

  • This is realy cool stuff, but i think it could use some more low end. A deep sub or something. It would make it more full imo. Will certainly listen to more of ur stuff man