A lot of samples used for my taste, but at least they were all whitenoise and percussion. And yeah, Jaxxn finally did good big room...

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  • Trance? No way XD

    • i mean yeah it's at 138 even tho the drop is big room it's too fast to be

  • m8 this is trance

  • Pretty cool!

  • Big room bass at around 1:38 needs to be a different pitch. u hav it too high, But other than that nice track guys!

  • Goddang thats fast. I like fast, but that surprised me

  • Republished

    changed the name and added new clap in the drop

  • Lol thats what I was going for xD I hate big room too

  • At this speed it sounds a bit like trance. Cool song even though I despise big room. ^ _ ^

  • Not liking the name too much. Doesn't fit with the song :/ Gonna change it to Crazy for a Girl when I repub

  • I can always repub ;)

  • Try using an NCT1 clap

  • Should I replace it with the clap in the intro?

  • awesome thank you!

  • quality is high up, but the only thing that bothers me is that clap at 1:51 it seems out of place, but this is pretty kewl, great ideas :)