Hi guys!!!! :D

Hope everyone is having a great day!


And yes, what you are seeing right now is FINALLY the track that I was talking about, "Lost"!!!! It was a failed draft for suuuucchhhh a long time and I was finally able to revive it, and wow did I put some feel, emotion, and insane effort into this song. AND YES IT PAYED OFF WOOO HOOOOOO YEEAH! :DDDDD


For you new guys, first of all, thx for checking me out! I'm a 14 year old boy who has been making music for about 7 months now, so yeah, I'm not a pro yet lol. This is most definitely my best song yet, so tysm for checking it out! :DDD


Today might be the happiest day of my life let's goooooo! :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

I hope u guys enjoy this as much as I enjoyed making it!!!!!! ;)

(all original, except for vocals, sound effects, risers, etc.)

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