Hey Guys!

I've been wanting to do a remix for quite a while now, and I've always been a huge fan of this song, so I decided to make a remix/cover of it yesterday.

I was inspired to remix this song after seeing CallyKay's "Our God is an Awesome God" remix, so shoutout to her!

I know this isn't fantastic, but I think it's at least fun to listen to. Even if you aren't religious, you can still enjoy the music.

Please let me know what you think and leave me a favorite so the song can get more popular!

Thanks so much for your support!

Now fly you fools!

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  • Lol happy to hear it! :)

  • i havent heard the original but i like this. and im usually a strong antireligion after having it literally shoved down my throat...but this. this gives me hope lol. i like it - again dancing in my chair! but im too lazy to get up :P

  • Republished

    It is now remixable

  • You should make this remix-able

  • Republished

    Added a second bassline, improved a few transitions, and softened the ending. :)

  • Haha, thanks man!

  • Awesome! I love this!