I'm a little late for the holidays,but who cares

heres another bad song (this time its sorta winter themed yaaaaay)

Just imagine you're like,i dunno,on a treacherous icy climb up a mountain or summin (you can tell i play too much celeste)

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  • A chiptune artist?! I love chiptune dude! Great track! This reminds me of some of the old final fantasy stuff or even Chrono Trigger somewhat.

    You've got a lot of potential. Seriously.

  • Nice track !

  • This dude is a legend!

    • What, me?

      oh no, i absolutely suck compared to some others on audiotool

      i barely know how to use the pulv in the first place,and the heisenberg?

      ....well um,ill learn it eventually

  • Republished

    whoops forgot to add a drumbeat somewhere