...a project, that you may well be a part of (without even knowing it)? n_n

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  • this is a good song

  • i liked.. keep the good work. you are a truly music artist

  • Republished

    This is barebones atm- gonna work on something else if anyone cares to remix this/improve upon it- knock yourself out.

  • Republished

    toyed with some fx, done with this for now, moving on...

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    ...there will be many tweaks- as this was posted unfinished in the first place =/

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    a few more minor tweeeeeeeaks

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    subtle tone edits

  • saw this shared in a pinochet fb group. had to join to 'like' it. not sure if I'll ever make any music but liked this enough to join here and already discovering other cool things. guess im ur 1st follower! no need to follow back as I dont plan to make music but to find cool trax. peace

  • T A N K