This is a amall collaboration with tocka and flight!

Tocka - Amazing leadand arp synths

Flight - Organization ON FLEEK [plus] drums

Sky - Sexy Bass Sexy Chords

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  • what the hecccccc. Everyone has a song named flight I see :) Glad you u n h i d

  • still wish it was open for remix

  • Pretty cool!

  • i liked it because tocka is in it

  • fleeeeeeek yaas

  • I think ford and almate have valid points and luke is just being a beg xD

    dope ass track ffffffffff

  • Jesus these niggas need to shut the fuck up this is a great track

  • Alright this is gonna be my last comment on here: I was just saying that chord progressions don't belong to anybody, not trying to be a drama hungry cat. I'm allowed to have my own opinion too y'know. Just saying. :P @eyuke ""No disrespect though.""

  • Whoa we got Deadmau5 over here making a big deal about a chord progression. I hate to break it to you, but a lot of songs use same chord progressions as other songs. You can't just put your name on one single chord progression and call it yours. No disrespect though @ford.

  • not stealing

  • This is nice though. <3

  • lit

  • Plus the kick was just meant as an experiment, i like the sound. Sure dove uses em but hey, he isn't the only one who has a right to use em.

  • @ford. The chord synths are definetely mine b/c well first of all.. I created them. Infact i used em in my first sky track which was suppost to just be a messing around draft. They have just improved as time passed, hella cleaner.

  • @STAGEFRIGHT i mean idk its just just chord prog. but i guess its the fact that all the synths are the same, the same kicks and snares were used and the lead just sounds way similar.