Cover Credit:

Tuojub wbakg htoh zi tuofh tog nuub gtohhufuq zobi hyzug oxabshtyg vaefbui.. Ktoh o qygz osu ar goqbugg yh tog nuub..

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  • Nice one

  • Nice

  • Republished

    Added a melody section and a beautiful melancholic arrangement at the halfway point

  • I like this a lot!!

    Good work :D

    • Thanks a lot CK! I'm glad you like it! :)

  • I'm gonna remix this! (if you let me, that is)

    I know that people can express how they're feeling through their music sometimes. So on a side note, are you okay?

    • Yes, but I don't think it let me save the draft due to some licensing issue... that might just be AT though. Thanks for putting it up for remix!

    • Is it up for remixing now?

    • It's not up for remixing...

    3 more
  • Republished

    Adjusted the pitch of the tone matrix lead in most areas.

  • wow, this is really good

    • Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it.