2 year old draft, recently revived and brought to this point. enjoy <3

If you guys wanna republish with any changes you have the login

gang gang


Hopefully more soon, no promises though (:

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  • I can't tell who's part is which but it's decent

  • yea this was a banger back then

    • got to miss them old days

  • holy shit!

  • The high end on those saws are actually really nice

  • omfgggggg bro

  • but future bass chords are not usually thicc melodic dubstep chords are. so instead make them cleaner

  • that melody is soo infectious, this song always puts a smile on my face

  • I want to make a super collab but no one's down to...

    • that and when a bunch of trap kids gang together and make the shitiest thing ever

    • Also because super collabs are many times cancer unless the people in them are good. lmao. Like when you open them to the public, it gets real messy for anyone who doesn't use a good computer.

    • i'd be down lol

  • Wow

  • one more fav

  • Ngl niggas did set the highs to 4000db in the beginning

  • and less of those dam highs

  • thats a mistake i made too many times. i made the chords have a lot of highs instead of making them thiccer

  • chords are really high er have a lot of highs

  • rocket league music :D