S/O to my brother AJGotBeats for the inspriration

I dedicate this to my Dad because he hasbein goin through a lot lately but pray for him please hope he gonna get through it

I LOVE ALL YALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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  • Aye this is some good shit bro. One thing i feel like you could work on is leveling your sounds, none of that "eeee bad mixing mixing mixing mixing" shit, but just making sure nothings too loud. Prayers for your dad

  • smooth asf! even if ppl hate on this, dont listen to the shit they say. they just mad cuz they wanna have yo juice. Keep it up no matter what.

  • damnnnnnnnnnn

  • i swear to god if i get hate on this im deleting my account and im never comin back to audiotool